Thursday, October 6, 2011

Back in the Saddle Again

It’s now October and we are back in Korea. We being; myself, Justin and Gambit.

The flight was supposed to be semi short because it was direct from the West coast to Inchon (the airport for Seoul). It takes about 12 hours of fly time to get there. But there were delays (after 2 hours on the tarmac, we were about to take off but had to turn around and go back to the gate) they had to fix something on the plane and then it took too long so they had to change the crew out, etc. Twelve (12!) hours later we finally got to start our 12 hour flight. And yes, I had a cat in a carry-on bag the whole time. I defiantly let him out of his carrier on his little harness and leash, surprisingly not too many people noticed a cat on a leash in the airport. I was reprimanded for moving a chair, but the airline employee didn’t blink at my cat out of carrier.

Anyway, we arrived at 3:00 AM in Korea and got a cab from the airport. This cabby decided it would be a good idea to pull over on the side of the highway to try and talk us into paying him more money for taking us home. I don’t think Justin has ever seen me be so stern with someone before. He later said that if I had been a staff sergeant I would have made that private shit himself (the private being the cabby). Poor Justin had to basically shower, shave and go straight to work. I got a few hours of sleep, but for some reason I’ve been waking up super, uber early since we got home. Like 4 and 5 AM.

Justin and I rearranged the furniture in our living/dining/everything room. It’s a great room, just oddly shaped, but I really like what we’ve done with it this time. It’s very quiet and rather empty feeling since we got used to staying with my parents and their slightly cluttered decorating style. Gambit is one of those cats who needs a playmate. I kind of wish we had brought Teddy with us too, but I still think he wouldn’t have been happy to move again. At least I already know Gambit and Teddy will get along when we go back to California again.

I do think time will pass quickly here. It’s October and we have to apply to colleges for Justin (deadline is Nov.15th, but we’re saying end of October just to keep ourselves on track). Then it’s Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and packing up the apartment. Since we have to ship everything at least 30 days before we leave (March 25th) they might take it sooner. Also nearly all our furniture is on loan from the Army and they’ll take it who knows when. At that point Justin thinks I should fly home with the cat and he’ll stay either at the hotel on base or with friends.

I’m going to post this and then back post (posts I haven’t written yet) our adventures from September. That was a busy month that flew by too.

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