Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I turn 27 years old in about an hour. If you want to get really technical I could ask my mom what time I was born, but I’m just going with ‘it’s an hour till midnight’ and then it will be August 25th, which is the day I was born.

26 was full of many huge life changes. Huge. Some painful, but mostly I have my memories of meeting and falling in Love with Justin. So I’m rather fond of 26, everything turned out all right in the end, and I’m wondering what comes after the surprise happy ending?

This next year will also bring some big changes, but these are a little more planned. We’re going to wrap up our last 5-6 months in Korea. We’ll be moving back to the states, probably to California. Justin will be going to school full time and I’ll (hopefully) have a job. We’ll be closer (super close) to family. It’ll be our second year of marriage, we’ve both heard mixed things about what happens after the first year but I’m optimistic, and actually so is Justin.

Personal growth-wise, I hope to be more of the writer I want to be. I do feel a little bit like a fake most of the time, but I’m reading a book that says all writers of worth feel like fakes often, so I’ll remain hopeful. I also want to be a better cook, a planner in the kitchen, someone who makes food that people really look forward to eating but is also good for you (I can dream, right?). I also want to find a new social niche. Justin and I are newly weds, and will be new in the area so it’s time to dust off those friend making skills (if I ever had any) and make some friends. I mean, this is California, there have to be some cool people around here somewhere ;)

The other things I want to do, like spend time with my parents, will come with our proximity. We will most likely be living in the same house (that will be interesting). And thank heaven, Justin and my parents love each other. It’s so easy to be married to Justin, I hope I show enough appreciation for that.

Also, I usually go overboard with shopping for my birthday. I’m trying to remember what age I started shopping for myself, but I can’t. I do know one day I realized that if someone didn’t give me what I was hoping for, for my birthday or Christmas or something, I could just buy it for myself! It was such a freeing revelation! A little too freeing, I tend to over indulge, but I try to limit myself to those times of the year (August and December). This year I defiantly got some various things for myself, but I have yet to find that 'something'. Some years, I don’t find it. But you know, that big gift that you tell people about when they ask what you got for your birthday (or Christmas). Maybe I’m out growing that...probably not, I want things still, they just aren’t toys anymore. More like home decorations or kitchen things, or clothes, (okay, and some toys. What? I like cute thing).

Anyway, the thing that I’m most excited about is our family vacation to Hawaii. I’ll finally have my husband, parents and brother all in the same place. We’re one of those awesomely weird families that like hanging out and we have a great time together. Besides that, I’ll be SO happy to have Justin with me in California in about (exactly) 12 days.

I guess that’s what I really want, to be close to my family and the people I love. Someday I’d really like to have my own house too, but I’ll be happiest if it’s near them.

PS I just remembered, 7 is my favorite number. yay!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry - the second year of marriage is great, too!
