Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hawaii, Oahu

One of the reasons we picked September to visit the states, was to have a family vacation for my husband and brother to meet in person. Since Nicholas was at his station in Hawaii he didn’t get to meet Justin. And when Nick came to Texas for Christmas Justin was already back at His station in Korea.

So Mom, Dad, me and Justin flew to Hawaii to spend a week on our first family vacation together! We stayed at the Hale Koa, it’s a military recreation hotel and if you’re military I highly recommend it. One, it’s just a really nice hotel, two they have their own beach right out back with everything and anything you want to rent for the beach plus several snack bars and such so you don’t have to shlep a cooler of food to the beach. And they have their own Luau show, it was really good.

Nick was supposed to be on leave the whole time we were there, but someone, somewhere lost his paperwork so he just had to meet up with us after work and on the weekend.

It was so much fun, we went to the Waikiki aquarium, there was a street parade for Aloha week, they had fireworks at the hotel one night, we went to the beach at our hotel, we went to Bellows beach and swam near huge sea turtles, we went to the Luau at our hotel which was really, really good, we walked around Waikiki a lot and went shopping, we got shave ice from matsumotos on the north side, we had dinner with my father’s cousin and her family at their house by Diamond head, we went to Punchbowl memorial and Pearl Harbor, Nick took me and Justin on a “hike” that made me realize, why yes, I am terrified of heights. We went to the look-out point, we went to the Army museum, Justin and I had breakfast everyday by the beach, and we got to spent some good time with my parents and brother.

It was a really great vacation. AND no one got sunburned, not really. Win.

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