Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden

I found out from my “headlines” app on my google homepage. I didn’t believe it at first. Then Facebook was exploding with rejoicing. And then I talked to my husband that told me they had done DNA testing to confirm it was him, and then I believed. Just call me doubting Thomas I guess.

I’m glad I guess that someone who caused so much pain has been stopped. I would have been just as happy if he had been captured and put in prison or tried, but I’m not as ecstatically happy as some people seem to be about it. Maybe I was lucky enough to not have lost anyone on 9/11. But I guess I’m not as wildly happy because I know it doesn’t really mean anything.

My younger cousin is still in Jordan. My brother is trying to get deployed. My husband is considering re-enlisting. My other cousin and her husband continue living abroad and serving in the military.

His death isn’t going to make us leave Afghanistan. It’s not going to get us out of Iraq. It’s not going to stop things from escalating in Libya and Syria. It’s not going to make the middle east a peaceful place and American soldiers are still going to be in all those places for a long, long time.

That is why, ultimately, it doesn’t matter that one figure head of terrorism is dead. That’s not what the war(s) are about and you know it. I know it. Everyone knows it but just pretends that we’re some noble country going in to free people from tyrants and fear. We’re just protecting our investments. I guess it’s something that a country must do as well, but don’t pretend it’s anything more noble than that. Good job soldiers, job well done. Keep up the good work, but more than that I wish you all home safely.

There should never be lies involved when the price is paid with blood and lives.

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