Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cab Rides and Coco Chanel

I have had to take our cat, Gambit, to the vet a few times since we got him… initial check-up and vaccinations, his booster shots and getting him fixed. Since we don’t have a car I’ve had to take the cat in his carrier in cabs. For some reason this is when I’ve had the most interesting conversations with the cab drivers.

Cabby: Cat?
Me: yes
Cabby: what name?
Me: Gambit
Cabby: Gamble ?
Me: umm, yeah
Cabby: Mr.? or Mrs?
Me: Mr. Gambit
Cabby: Mr. Gamble. Mr. Gamble work at casheno?
Me: (in my head, oh Casino..) hah, yeah…

That conversation was mostly amusing because of the guys accent. The next one was one I had sort of been waiting for but still was incredulous when it happened.

So I had just picked Gambit up from being fixed and was a little preoccupied with him. I told the cab driver what we tell all cab drivers “I’m going to the Hamilton hotel” It’s
a) the easiest way to get where we want without confusing someone who doesn’t speak english well
b) it’s only a few blocks from us and it’s usually not worth it to direct the cab up a few switch backs to get to our front door and
c) even if I knew my street name or house number (which I don’t) the cab driver couldn’t find the place anyway because their street systems makes so little sense that they are actually in the process of switching it to one that is more clear.

We start driving and I roll down the window (like I usually do in a cab) and
he says “the lello lain, chinese, very bad”
Me: blank stare
Him: Lello lain!! very bad!! *pointing out my window*
Me: oh okay
Him: Shut window!!!
Me: (oooooh, yellow rain form China) I roll up my window. It’s not even raining yet. It’s over cast- yes. Raining- no. Also your cab smells like smoke which is why I opened the window asshole, I’m pretty sure that will kill you first. (obviously I sat in silence, but thats what I was thinking).

SO, I told him ‘Hamilton hotel’ thinking I would do what I’ve done before (when I had a cab full of groceries or the last time I took Gambit home form the vet) get close to the Hamilton then tell him one more block, turn left etc… usually there isn’t much of a problem but this time, This time we’re getting close and I say ‘Actually, go one more street and turn left’ and the cabby stops the cab at the intersection, tilts the rear view mirror so he can look at me (and all I see are angry eyes from him) and starts raising his voice at me telling me I should have told him sooner and blah blah blah. As if you would know where you were going if I did sir! I was pissed! But just said “okay” in as level a voice as I could and repeated ‘Next block, turn left’.

*** I came home and started putting away my clean clothes***

Does anyone else have batches of clothes? I don’t mean that as in “I have a ton of clothes” but like, you buy things in bulk and or multiple colors. I learned this habit from my mother who in turn learned it from my grandmother who probably got the idea from Coco Chanel who was once quoted saying “If it fits, buy it in every color” and we did.

I apply this mostly when I find a cut of clothing that works particularly well for me. I then look at all the colors or washes available and either buy all of them, or only most of them. I mean if something really, flawlessly works with my body making me feel like a million bucks. So I end up with a batch of shirts, or several dresses or a few pairs of jeans or a dozen or so of the same cut of panties.

That being said, when say, a batch of tank tops, gets too worn I suddenly have a huge gap in my wardrobe. My point was….umm, oh sometimes I can get away with buying new of the same cut from the same brand, but more often than not something is slightly changed and isn’t the same awesomeness I bought before. Or sometimes they discontinue something all together (*cough Express sweaters and VS panties cough*).

I then have to search for the next awesome cut and hope they have a lot of colors and or keep making it. Ultimately I didn’t have a point to this post, but I noticed some of my tank tops are getting a little worn out and I’m already dreading when my favorite (discontinued) pantie batch dies. So…what do normal people do?

1 comment:

  1. I, too, buy in batches when something fits. Luckily for me, though, my taste changes frequently, and by the time the batch wears out I am into a different style.
