Wednesday, May 4, 2011


The biggest news since I last wrote is I cut my fracking hair. I’m so mad about it. It was past my shoulders in the front and just about 4 inches shorter in the back (left over from the bob I had a year ago). It was starting to bother me, having no style or layers, and I was going to wait to get it cut and layered in September when I was home in the states. But they have a pretty good salon at the Dragon hill lodge (the huge fancy hotel on base where I got my hair done for the Ball) so I went there to get some layers.

The lady spoke good english and seemed to understand that I wanted to keep it long and was growing it out. She gave me a stack of magazines and started cutting. I was reading and when I looked up I realized how short she was cutting my hair, it was too late. There was nothing to be done but let her finish. I was so mad and the stylist could tell just how mad I was and kept trying to convince me that my hair was just as long as it had been. I wanted to cuss them out so much. I am Never that angry.

The front layers are chin length and in truth the back, longest layer is probably only an inch shorter than the back of my hair was before, but this is not the hair cut I wanted and it just pisses me off that I have to wait, probably another year before it’s long enough again. And because my hair is so thick it’s all bouncing and fluffy with the light layers, and when it’s short like this I just feel like it makes my face fat. I have to buy a straightener. It’s the only thing that made me feel semi okay about my short hair last year.

I think I scared Justin a little by how Much I cried about my hair. I cried for at least an hour when I got home. That was maybe two days ago, and really, the cut will probably look fine once it’s longer, but that is going to take a few months. Maybe even the rest of the time I’m in Korea.

I’m never cutting my hair again. I always say that, but I mean it more every time. At least this time I didn’t cut 10-12 inches off at once (like I did last year), only about 5. Maybe I’ll learn and just get trims from now on. At least I remember I still hate bangs, no matter how cute they look on other people.

Note to self:

Dear Lucy,

-you hate bangs. they didn’t work when you were 7 and again when you were 15. some people can rock them, but you hate them and they make your cheeks look big, and get in your eyes and are generally annoying.
-you hate short hair. yes it’s easier to wash, but that’s about the only thing you like about it. you hate short hair. stop getting short hair cuts.
-stop getting hair cuts when you are in an overly emotional mood, it only leads to bad things.
-stop cutting your hair for a while, you really want it to be past your shoulders (at least) so don’t get it cut shorter than that. like, ever.
-tell people when you are going to get a hair cut so they have time to talk you out of it and/or can come and supervise.

I think that’s everything except, remember, you’ve never had a hair cut you liked, so just stop.

Love, Lucy

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