Thursday, February 24, 2011

Just say No

I'm wondering if everyone feels the same guilt at saying 'no' as I do. I've gotten to the point where I Can say 'no' to doing something I don't want to do or don't have the time to do. But for hours and sometimes the rest of the day going into the next day I'll feel just horrible about refusing to go to some meeting or go on an outing or something random. It doesn't really matter who or what I say 'no' to, I feel just as bad. (unless I say no to my mother, then I feel worse).

For example, today Justin called me around 10am to invite me to a meeting at 11am on base. The meeting was for potluck planning for the next two weeks for an army exercise. I'm a little vague on what they do at this army thing, but I know that everyone is supposed to bring food to work for an all week potluck.

That's great and all, and I'm glad Justin has food and I Would like to contribute, but there are a couple of factors. One, I don't really know how to cook much beyond a few dinner time standards, and those aren't terribly good. Two, we just moved into our place and even if I did cook something I felt like inflicting on others we have nothing to put said food in that Justin can take to work. Three, Justin has to walk like 2 miles to work carrying whatever food we bring, everyone else in his office has cars. I'm not going to make him carry all his work gear and food for 2 miles. four, the meeting was like an hour from the time Justin called and while I really wanted to go to see Justin I wasn't ready to walk out the door and it takes 15-30 minutes to walk to wherever they're meeting on base. So I said no.

and then felt guilty for at least an hour until I calmed myself down enough to try and get over that feeling. That's what sugar is for, right?


  1. Haha my husband likes to tell me about work stuff like that when it's about to start too! I laugh cruelly and say "NO". Even though I like to go, because I think even just showing up at those types of things help you get connected to other wives.

  2. I have always had that problem, it's not just you
