Monday, February 7, 2011


To market, to market, to buy a fat pig,
Home again, home again, jiggety-jig.

To market, to market, to buy a fat hog,
Home again, home again, jiggety-jog.

To market, to market, to buy a plum bun,
Home again, home again, market is done.

We have started the task of (at least window) shopping for all the things we'll need to have in our new place. We still need to find a place, and once we do we'll have all the main things like furniture and appliances from the army. But the other things, mostly bedding, towels, plates and pots & pans we have to get ourselves.

It's going to be kind of fun, but I for one, have to be careful not to go overboard on nesting in a place we're only going to be for a year. So that means getting only what we really need. And thinking of what we have at home at the same time.

The task is made a little more complicated by the fact that Justin and I also have a sense of style that might not be met by the limited army post shopping... to town? Maybe, but anywhere we go is sure to over charge us since we're Americans and made of money.

I wold turn to online shopping, but so many places don't deliver to APO addresses. So my plan of ordering online, having it sent to my parents and having them send the stuff to me here is in place. But, at that point we've paid probably twice what our dishes, or whatever, are worth and it seem silly not to just use what's nearby.

Silly problem, I know. But it's one that I think about in between what to eat next, my story and my favorite topic, Justin.

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