Saturday, March 23, 2013

non-shopping update

I might have pushed myself too soon. You see what had happened was, I was running errands for my boss near the outdoor mall (which is my downfall). I had been looking at OldNavy online the night before and really wanted a pair of cute shorts, but I had too much other stuff in my virtual shopping basket that I was having trouble convincing myself that I didn't need. So, MY thought was this: If I go in person and buy the one thing (the cute shorts) then I won't pay for shipping and I'll only get that one thing.

Maybe you are the type of person who can go into a store and buy ONE thing, but alas, I am not. So two hours later I had a huge pile of clothes, I just wanted to go home, but I didn't want to leave my hard fought shopping. So I just bought everything with the vague idea that I would return things later.

Oh, My god. Yes I had to return things later. Even when I go crazy and buy a lot of things I usually seem to spend the same amount every time. This was Three Times the amount I usually spend. I'll admit I have been feeling extra stressed out this week. I wasn't even sure I could drag myself out of bed and go to work all five days this week, I just wanted to sleep and read (but I did go!).

My point is, I am still not allowed to go shopping alone (or into/near a place of shopping alone). I pushed my luck and it didn't pan out. So Justin was very sweet about the whole thing. He even looked at everything I bought and helped me pair down to a few things to keep. (Indeed he could have told me to take everything back, but that wouldn't have been very helpful, not when this is emotional shopping). So we went today and took things back. I even wanted to return more when I saw how much I had still spent after the returns. Se la vie.

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