Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day One- Escaping the Machine

Hi, my name is Lucy, and I’m a shopaholic. All joking aside I Do have a bit of a shopping problem and it’s something I’d like to fix. So starting Right Now for no other reason than today is a good day to start, I begin my journey.

Let me begin with telling you that I’m not as bad as you might be thinking. I saw that movie, Confessions of a Shopaholic, well actually I only saw half of it. But I remember one scene where the main character is trying to buy something by putting a small amount on each of her numerous credit cards that are already maxed out- thankfully, that is not my problem. I just go a little over board, usually shopping for clothes and usually online and I spend more money than I want to. Besides the fact that I’m spending money I’d rather do something else with, I don’t Need any more clothes. I have SO many clothes, but somehow I can always find something new to want.

So my problem is really two-fold, 1) I’m spending money on clothes (and random things) that I don’t really want to be buying. And 2) I already have more than enough, yet I keep accumulating more. I want to put an end to the drain on my wallet and an end to the materialism that is so addictive.

So step one is to stop spending money on these things. Period. Yes, I’m going to still buy food and pay bills and those things, but no more clothes, shoes, nick-knacks, what-nots or whatever. Two is to unsubscribe from all the emails and catalogs that feed the materialistic machine. And for now, step three is to not be alone in stores that sell those things I’m forbidding myself to buy.

1 comment:

  1. I have this exact same problem. Not totally out of control, but not great either. I gave up buying things I don't *need* for Lent. It's kind of annoying because it's not concrete, it's more of a judgment call, but if I'm honest with myself I don't need any more clothes right now!
