Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day Three- the non-shopping list

On blue days, or any time I’m feeling down My first impulse is to go shopping. Either it gets me out of the house and into a different world of retail, or if I shop online it’s a distraction and I still get the dopamine hit of buying things without going anywhere. Something about new clothes or a new cute something always puts a smile on my face.

I thought a way to deter me from buying more clothes would be to have a tally of each type of clothes that I currently have. The sheer numbers might guilt me into not buying anything, and my anterior motive is to also pair down to something resembling “the basics” and/or one closet.

Also, it's amazing what else needs money in my life besides my shopping habit. So far the car needed a new headlight, and then they broke it a lot and it needed a new undercarriage scrape plate thing that is NOT free. And our camera which has been gone for 6 weeks to get it's flash replaced finally came back to us- but then ALL THE BUTTONS ON THE CAMERA DIDN'T WORK. Thanks Nikon. That went back to the camera shop today to be sent off again. And the cat's micro chipping profiles on HomeAgain needed to be created then paid for. Not did creating the profiles take ALL MORNING to fill out. They kept messing things up and I have to print things to send to them in paper form? Who has a website where you can't submit the forms in digital form. Also our printer is out of ink, we ordered more ($ are you keeping a tally?) but it isn't here yet. So I had to take my laptop into my Dad's office, with paper and plug my computer into his printer.

It just takes time, every little thing takes time. And don't get me started on meals- those take SO much freaking time to cook and then eat!?! It just makes me not want to eat at all. but then I get hungry and grumpy and then Justin has to make me food before I give in to the dark side, go online shopping and take a nap.

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