Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Caretakers

My parents, well whole family, has always taken care of things. Be it people, animals, pets, plants, property, anything at all really. If there was something that needed to be taken care of, we wouldn’t, couldn’t say no. Usually it was fine. I remember one holiday season where everyone in our old neighborhood was out of town and they all overlapped for a few days. We were feeding all their pets, taking in all their mail and watering all their plants in this empty street. Our kitchen junk drawer had spare keys to everyones houses.

As out family friends have gotten older, we have taken on a new type of roll. Either they downsize, move into retirement homes, or pass away and something must be done with all the leftover things. Who you gonna call? The Roses!

I don’t know when the last time you tried to give away 20-40+ year old  furniture, clothes, appliances, etc. But only some places take certain things. We are now well versed in which charitable donation places don’t want any more old couches. And who is already stocked up on records or books. There isn’t one place you can call to come collect things left behind. Even if there was one place, you shouldn’t call it because usually certain things are left for certain people or places, and keeping all the straight is it’s own challenge.

There are also things sometimes like cable bills, and magazine subscriptions to cancel. My Dad (with permission) will get on the phone pretending to be that person so he can cancel things or figure out what needs to be done.

No matter how much stuff you set aside for so-and-so, take to all the various charities, throw away and otherwise- there is always a little bit leftover. Something that someone will come to get, but not yet. Something that is too unique to just be donated and needs to find the right person. Etc, etc, etc. If New York is the city with a million stories, how many stories do we have in our house full of other peoples things?

I am happy and proud that my parents can be so helpful to their friends and family who need help in a time in their life that is difficult. It’s best if these things can be done over time, a few days or a few weeks, or if you know something ahead of time, even a few months in advance. The house we live in now has three generations of stuff, plus odds and ends of other peoples things. It all needs to be sorted and paired down for our own eventual move. We have done a lot of that work around the house, but there is still so much to do here, and meanwhile we are taking care of all of them.

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