Sunday, January 16, 2011

It's all about Seoul

In less than two weeks I'll be flying to South Korea. It still doesn't seem real. The past year really hasn't seemed much like reality. More like a mixture of good and bad dreams. But I defiantly ended up on a positive and forward moving note.

In terms of moving overseas for a year (more like a year and three months actually) I'm either not thinking about it right or I'm actually that laid back about the whole thing. I'm probably just not thinking about it as what's really happening. I should be freaking out a lot more. A) I've never lived more than an hour away from my parents B) I've never lived in a foreign country C) I've never even visited a predominantly Asian country (unless you count Hawaii, but I was only there for a week anyway) D) I've also never been anywhere for an extended period of time that has actual seasons and a real (read: cold) winter.

In terms of getting to be with my husband. I am completely excited and confidant that being together in potentially high stress situations (such as living in a foreign place) will bring us even closer and be a positive experience for us. Ask me about our NYC trip some time and you'll see why I'm so confident. Being with him makes everything better, sometimes only a little better and sometimes it's the difference between night and day, better. But having him near me has never made anything worse. Ever. He is so completely loving and open and genuine. I don't think I could make this move if he were anything less than himself.

Leaving our home in Texas was kind of hard. We've been there for 20 years. It's hard be unattached to a place if you've been there that long. Plus everything was so close and convenient. Our house was odd but suited us perfectly (if my mom let me arrange things). Our friends there were the best you could find anywhere. The only thing that made it vaguely easy to leave on that mild winter day was the thought that summer would be in Texas soon. Most likely very soon, like March. And it would be humid.

So for the next few weeks I have here in California with my parents I'll be not packing, and trying to enjoy family time. Then I will start a new adventure in my life and this time, I don't speak the language.

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